Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A day at Big Daddy's farm



Kyler sings and plays guitar

                   Kyler LOVES to sing and play Big Daddy's guitar! 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kyler's first trip to the zoo

Kyler has been very intrigued with pictures of different animals. Up until a few days ago his favorite was the bear. Basically that is the only one he knew or cared about. This past week he discovered rabbit, duck, and giraffe. He said the word rabbit very clearly, but just one time. I am not the only one that heard it so I know I didn't make it up. He hasn't said it again but if you say where is Rabbit he can show you. He pointed to a picture of a duck yesterday and said duck. He has been very interested in a giraffe on his high chair. Since the weather was so beautiful today, we decided to take him to see the animals. His favorite thing, by far, was all the trees. But his favorite thing besides that was the giraffes. He was so excited when he saw their heads over the elephant fence. He also liked the ducks, and the big goldfish, and the gorilla. I couldn't get him to look at me long enough to take his picture, so in almost every one I took he is pointing at something! He pointed at everything and said "Dat??" So precious!! He was one tired little boy and crashed for the ride home.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter 2010

Eating his bunny cookie

Bears in the basket

Bears hit the ground

Mom and Dad came over and brought dinner on Easter. I had my surgery 3 days prior, so I wasn't able to get out. Kyler wasn't too interested in taking pictures with his baskets, but I managed to get a few.

Kyler's Birthday Party

Hard to believe our baby is already a year old! We had a small gathering, mostly family, at GiGi and PaPa's house. The theme was "Handy Manny". Kyler loves Handy Manny and the tools!! Mom made him a cake and cupcakes and his overalls. We all had a great time and he gots lots of awesome gifts! Uncle Brent came to our house that night and we had lasagna, which Kyler LOVED!!

Kyler and Nanny's Birthday party in Houston

My cousins and I always played under this table at Grandma's house. He climbed under there himself. Must be a fun place!!

Kyler, my Dad, my Grandfather

4 generations: Kyler, me, my Dad, my Grandfather

Kyler and my Grandfather (Mom's Dad)

We headed out to Houston the last weekend of February for a birthday celebration. It was Mom's birthday and 2 weeks until Kyler's. My Aunts (minus Karen...we missed you!) and my Uncles came. None of my cousins could make it since everyone is scattered now. My Grandparents on Dad's side were there too. We haven't seen them since Kyler was just a few weeks old. Grandma and Granddan made the cake and cupcakes so they were ready when we got there. Kyler had a great time!!